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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.


Message Podcast

Living In God's Favor

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Guest speaker Johnny Moffitt teaches us about how to live in God's favor. He gives us his personal testimony of how he came to know Christ, and how God has used him in amazing ways. Johnny Moffitt works in the prison ministry as a marriage pastor to both the inmates and to the prison guards. His sermon message covers the life of Ruth and how she was moved to follow Naomi, so that she could learn more about God and have His favor in her life.

God's Love

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us that God's Love is everlasting. In John 15 we see how the same love that God has for Jesus, He also had for us. God pours out His overflowing love over his creation everyday. 

World Missions: Is It Worth The Investment?

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Guest Speaker and active missionary, Nola Warren shares her inspirational message of what God has done in her life while serving in the missions. She explains that missionary work is worth the investment of finances, prayers, and lives saved. Through the years Nola Warren has seen the aboundant growth of faith and congragations in Mexico.

Barzillai A Good Father

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In this sermon, guest speaker and missionary Ron Bishop brings us a word about being a good father. In his sermon, he explains that we must encourage and mentor our children and grandchildren in the word of God. He uses Barzillai's life and legacy as his example of how the father should bless his children.

It's Only A Test

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, we go to the book of James 1:1-8, where he explains to us that God teaches and tests us in seasons of our lives. Through these test God's hope is that we will draw near to Him. God wants His people to be "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:4).

Heart Of A Warrior (Part 2)

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us from Judges 3 that God is working in our lives to prepare us to fight spiritual battles. The weapons we have to fight with are the word of God and prayer. We fight for our families, sanctification, the Church, and the advancement of the Gospel.

God With Us

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us that God can use anyone to carry out his will. Pastor Matt shows how God used Moses to set his people free in Egypt, and told Moses not to fear since He would be with him. 

Heart Of A Warrior (Part 1)

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he gives us a background of what the "Heart Of A Warrior" looked like in the days of Joshua. The heart of a warrior is one who trust that God fights our battles and has faith that even if we are out matched, that God will always overcome and prevail. All God commands of us, is to be faithful and courageous and to arise for battle.

The Spirit Unifies

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In Acts chapter 2, we see the finest example of a Spirit filled church. This first church is an example for all churches today. We see that they were devoted to one another, by opening up scripture and breaking of bread daily together. With doing all things in remembrance of Jesus' love for His people and His Church, which is the bride of Christ.

The Spirit Empowers

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he talks to us about how the Holy Spirit can empower us with boldness to profess God's Word. We hear about the first sermon ever given about Jesus, which was given by the apostle Peter. In his sermon, he uses Scripture as evidence to exalt Jesus to the people who were there in Jerusalem. 

The Spirit Given

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us that in God's word there are types of tongue's mentioned. The physical tongue, different earthy languages, and the heavenly language. In the sermon today going over Acts 2:1-13 we see how the Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to communicate in different languages to tell others about the glory of Jesus.

The Spirit Speaks

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he shows us how the disciples waited and prayed continually for ten days till the Holy Spirit came. That prayer and supplication is important in a period of waiting. The disciples, the women with them, Jesus' mother Mary and His brothers were all there praying for the Holy Spirit to dwell in them. 

The Spirit Promised

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, we head into the books of Acts to see the continued works of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells his desciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come to the disciples in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirits purpose was to help the disciples witness about Christ.

Jesus Restores

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he finishes off the complete sermon lesson of the Gospel of John. In this sermon we see how Jesus restores Peter. Peter, who denied Jesus three times, in John 21 we see how Jesus restores Peter's broken promise. Jesus wants to restore his people today and make them better than before.

Jesus Commissions

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he is leading to the conclusion of the Gospel of John. Jesus has presented Himself to His disciples and has given them the order to go into the world an profess Jesus name. This is the Great Commission, to be sent by Jesus in His authority to forgive and save the lost.

Jesus Is Alive

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In this special Resurrection Sunday sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us that Jesus is alive today, and that Jesus alone has set us free from our bondage to sin and Satan. Pastor Matt shows us that Christianity would not be possible unless Jesus was alive today, that Jesus didn't only die on the cross, but also rose up again on the third day. 

Jesus Is Crucified

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us the painful death that Jesus endured for us. Even through the time on the cross before Jesus' death, He cared for His people. He cared for His mother, when He told John to take her as his mother. He cared for the people who caused Him to suffer, when He told the Father to forgive them, and He cared for all of us, when He said "It is finished". Our sins are paid in full, and now we are made holy in God's eyes.

Jesus Is Put On Trial

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In this sermon by pastor Matt, he explains to us that even when Jesus was put on trial, He was always in control. Jesus took the place physical place of Barabbas, but He took the spiritual place for all our sins. Through Jesus being sent down from heaven, we now have a way to be close to the Creator. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice to bring us back to the presence of God. 

Jesus Is Betrayed & Denied

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In this week’s sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains to us that through Christ we are made righteous. He also explains to us the connection between Jesus and Adam in the Garden, where Adam failed, Jesus passed. Jesus followed in the Father's will and was the perfect sacrifice, for he was spotless and without sin.  

Jesus Makes Us One

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In this sermon, Pastor Matt goes through Jesus' last prayer and how He prayed for all of us. Jesus' prayer is for us to have unity, just as the Father and the Son were unified. We should resemble the unity in the Father and Son, with one another. As brothers and sisters we should build each other up and not accuse or break each other down. Through our unity, the world will know that God sent Jesus to redeem His people.