In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth ... And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. - Genesis 1:1, 3
The Bible opens with the bold and resounding declaration that everyone and everything was created by a gracious, loving and good God. The first book of the Bible is Genesis. The word Genesis means origin or beginning, and it gets it’s title from the opening lines of the book “In the beginning …" Genesis is all about beginnings. In Genesis we see the beginnings of the world, the human race, marriage, sin and God's good plan of redemption.
Our good God created a good world. Yet Genesis tells the story of how humanity, through sin, has broken the good world God created. When humanity fell, so did all creation. Through one act of rebellion, death came. Yet God loves the world he created. And from the first moment of sin, we see God has been working to restore what was lost.
We invite you to join us as we study through this great book of Beginnings. Our prayer is that you would allow God to shine his light into your world, and that through knowing him, you too would find redemption, the new beginning on he can give.
A major part of our big sermon series at Destiny is our Community Groups. Each week, Community Groups meet to grow deeper. In Community Groups, you'll study each sermon in depth with friends who can help you get the most out of John's Gospel. The Bible is so exciting when you live out what it teaches in the context of loving friendships.