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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.


Message Podcast

Jesus Gives Us God's Word

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In this weeks sermon by Pastor Matt, he continues from his last weeks sermon about Jesus' Prayer. In Jesus' prayer, He prayed for Himself and that He would glorify His Father. In the conclusion of this week's sermon, Jesus now prays over His disciples, that they would remain in the world but protected from the evil one (Satan). Jesus calls us to be a light in the darkness and to show the lost people God's true light. Pastor Matt explains to us that we must not separate ourselves from the world, for if we do the light of God will not be shown to the lost. 

Jesus Prays

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains to us how pray is how Jesus communicated to His Father. When Jesus was with the multitude of people, He would always take time out of his day to spek to His Father. Likewise we also have direct communicate to God through our prayers. In Jesus' prayer, He prays for Himself, His disciples, the people, and most importantly that His works would bring God all the honor and glory. Jesus' prayer is a great model of how we should construct our prays. 

The Lord's Table

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains the purpose of communion and why we partake of this in memorance of Jesus Christ. We partake of this to remember all Jesus has done for us, dying on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to give us salvation. Jesus is the center of communion, for he gave up his life for us, because he loved us. When you partake of communion, reflect on all Jesus has done for you and the pain he went through to give us the gift of everlasting life.

Discerning God's Will

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains how the will of God is revealed in the Bible. To understand God's will for our lives we need to hear God's voice and read God's Word. In a generation of constent change and uncertainity, we find our home in our Fathers arms. God's Word is never changing and always true, today take time to read God's word and listen to what His will is for your life.

Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains to us how as Christians we may feel ashamed or embarressed to talk about God's word outside of Church. We can become embarressed to tell others about Jesus, since we have fear of what they might say about us. Our fear withholds the good news from being preached from our mouths. As Pastor Matt puts it "We must never be ashamed of the Gospel. The Gospel provides the power of Salvation to everyone who believes." Today be bold and tell someone about what God has done in your life. We have this great opportunity to be a part of the Great Commission and save souls for Jesus.

Lie vs Truth

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explain to us the importants of reading God's Word. When Satan comes to attack with lies, the only way to defeat him is knowing the truth in God's Word. As Christians we should hold tight to God's Word and study it daily, so when the enemy attacks we will have the armor of Christ on to keep us strong and safe from temptations and sin.

Built On The Rock

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, he explains to us the importance of being built on the rock. The new year has just begun and while we do our best to keep are new year resolutions, we must not forget the importants of reading God's Word. Through praise and worship we are encouraged and blessed by our Creator.

God's Plan To Redeem Mankind

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In this sermon by Bob Sayre, we see the importance of spreading God's Word to the ends of the earth. Since man's fall in the garden, God has had a plan to redeem mankind. Both Jews and Gentiles have sinned and fallen short, but God has made his word not only avaliable to the Jews, but also to the Gentiles. Jesus commands us to spread the good news to our neighbors and to the nations.

The Greatest Gift

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In this sermon by Pastor Matt, we learn about the greatest gift. Our salvation is a gift that God gives to whomever believes. The greatest gift that God has given is the gift of His creation - being able to to have a relationship with the Creator. Our Father is the greatest gift giver and provider - He blesses us abundantly. This Christmas season we should bless others as much as God has blessed us. 

God Keeps His Word

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In this sermon, Pastor Matt explains how God always keeps His word. God gave His word to many prophets, who recorded more than 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. All of these prophecies were fulfilled by one man, Jesus Christ. As children of God, all we have to do is look at Jesus’ life to see that God always keeps His word.