The Book Of Jonah
The Book Of JONAH
Many if not most of us are probably familiar with the story of Jonah. If you went to Sunday School as a child, you mostly likely sat through several classes with this story as the topic. The story has entered into our cultural lexicon. In the Adventures of Pinocchio, the puppet’s creator, Geppetto, is swallowed by a wale … a clear reference to the story of Jonah. Veggie Tales even made a full-length feature film of the story, in which the part of Jonah was played by none other than Archibald Asparagus.
Though this story is often told to children, it is however not a simple children’s story! The themes in the book of Jonah are quite deep and complex.
Theological issues of God’s sovereignty and His relationship with sinful people.
Personal heart issues of prejudice, bigotry and even racism.
Obeying God’s call and listening to his voice.
The book of Jonah showcases God’s profound and radical love. A love that goes confounds human logic and understanding. And a grace that certainly confounded a stubborn prophet.
A major part of our big sermon series at Destiny is our Community Groups. Each week, Community Groups meet to grow deeper. In Community Groups, you'll study each sermon in depth with friends who can help you get the most out of John's Gospel. The Bible is so exciting when you live out what it teaches in the context of loving friendships.