Missions Vision
Welcome to the home of CHRIST IS KING World Missions
A ministry of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH of San Antonio, Christ Is King Missions is a full-service missions agency that equips, sends, and supports missions ambassadors and affiliates around the World. We are here to serve the church by serving the missions call in Christian leaders, congregations, and church members.
Please check out the information below and contact us if you we can be of further service to you.
World Missions Defined
Missions ministry is the ongoing, redemptive work of Jesus Christ in the world through His Church. World Missions may be defined as those endeavors outside of the church in the community and world that fulfill Christ’s command given in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15. Christ made it clear that His Church was to go into the entire world and preach the Gospel, make disciples, baptize believers, and teach them to observe all that He commanded.
Vision Summary
The vision for world missions is a core component of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH’s overall vision. Pioneered by our founder, Leonard W. Coote, who was a life-long missions ambassador himself, the vision has grown over the years to be so strategic that the whole work revolves around missions. Carried on by the late John M. Bell, who served as pastor for several decades, the vision has continued to strengthen and expand.
When considering the world missions vision of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH one must first consider the purpose of the church. The pastoral team of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH has formulated a purpose statement that helps apply the Great Commission to our lives and ministries. Our purpose statement reads:
“To bring people to Jesus and membership in His family,
to nurture and equip them for victorious living,
community outreach, and world missions.”
Our founder and former pastors passed on a huge legacy of serving God through world missions. Our goal is to systematically increase in our effectiveness of reaching the unreached, pastoring the unpastored, and nurturing the down and destitute to be victorious disciples of Christ. We believe every person has a significant ministry call to fulfill. Raising up leaders to be reproducing, equipping leaders is our “Job 1.”
Practical Methods
The leaders of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH have given themselves to the purpose of world evangelization. We invite you to share in this vision through your faithful stewardship of prayer, training & discipling, and giving. Together we can cause the vision to become reality by:
Training, equipping, and sending leaders to the nations
Establishing permanent and self-sustaining missions
Raising up and equipping national leaders to fulfill the five-fold ministry
Developing and cultivating unity among established missions
Cultivating fresh vision for world harvest through “short-term” missions
Additionally, CHRIST IS KING CHURCH is committed to developing and continuing long-standing relationships with missions affiliates who are not members of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH. The openness of our missions vision to include those beyond our own membership enlarges and enriches our world missions perspective and allows CHRIST IS KING CHURCH to have a part in the missions efforts of other local churches world-wide.
Missions Action Team
Christ Is King Missions is an arm of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH and is under the guidance and leadership of the pastors and elders of the church. In 1999 God directed the elders to appoint a Missions Action Team to oversee the regular operations and functions of Christ Is King Missions. Like other ministry leadership areas of the church, the Missions Action Team is submitted to the spiritual authority of the elders. The Missions Pastor of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH serves as Executive Director of the Missions Action Team, and may appoint fellow team members with approval of the Lead Pastor.
Responsibilities of Missions Action Team Members
The Missions Action Team must work in harmony with the eldership of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH to pray and intercede for world missions, plan strategies for growth and development of missions and missions ambassadors, and promote world missions efforts to the membership. Specifically, it is the responsibility of the Missions Action Team to:
Stimulate the world missions vision throughout the congregation
Recruit those willing to serve as missions ambassadors
Review and recommend new missions fronts and new ambassador candidates
Review and approve a change in an ambassador’s mission or field of labor
Cultivate strong, meaningful relationships between the church, missions, and ambassadors, providing pastoral oversight as needed
Review and evaluate missions effectiveness and adjust human and financial resources as needed
Review, evaluate, and update the missions policy
Review and recommend for approval missions affiliate applications
All members of the Missions Action Team must be familiar with the missions policy, attend called meetings of the Missions Action Team, serve on sub-teams and perform other duties as appointed by the Executive Director of the Missions Action Team.
Missions Action Team Member’s Commitment
Each Missions Action Team member is expected to demonstrate:
Covenant membership relationship with CHRIST IS KING CHURCH
Commitment to home and foreign missions
Willingness to serve people and to invest time and energy into world missions
Cooperative attitude and Godly lifestyle
Spiritual maturity commensurate with leadership
Sensitivity to needs of others, especially missionaries
Passion to reach the unreached
Field Representatives
Field Representatives are missions ambassadors who have agreed to serve as “watchmen” in their various fields of labor. Appointed by the Missions Action Team, they share in the vision of Christ Is King Missions and help cultivate deeper relationships with ambassadors in the same field. Field Representatives must be able and willing to invest time and energy into other missions and ambassadors and to help in communication between the Missions Action Team and the field.
Field Representatives are not appointed to control or directly oversee other missions or ambassadors, but to assist the Missions Action Team in its oversight and direction by giving insight and suggestions. Field Representatives are truly the “hands extended” of the Missions Action Team.
Pastoral Advisory Council
The leadership of CHRIST IS KING CHURCH recognizes the broad-reaching scope of missions and missions ambassadors affiliated with Christ Is King Missions. Over the years many strong relationships have been cultivated with pastors and other Christian leaders who have been blessed with deep wisdom and understanding in matters related to world missions.
The Pastoral Advisory Council is a group of such ministers that have agreed to be advisors to the Missions Action Team. By expressing their wisdom and knowledge in potential trouble areas, by helping with new missions ambassador candidate approval, and by giving insight on national and international missions trends, these ministers help the Missions Action Team do their job with a broader ministry perspective.