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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.

Love One Another (1 John)


The Book Of 1 John

The Apostle John was Jesus’ closest and most faithful friend. No one was closer to Jesus than John. He was with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry. He saw Jesus heal multitudes and walk on water. He was there when Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek to betray Him. At the foot of the cross, John watched Jesus breathe His last breath. But John also saw something that would transform the rest of his life. John saw the empty tomb. John touched the resurrected Christ. And John watched as Jesus ascend into heaven!

John was an eyewitness to the most important events in history.

Now a well seasoned saint, the pupil has now become the teacher. The Apostle John sits down to write a letter of encouragement to believers who are struggling with their faith. Don’t you love it when someone sends you a card, just to tell you they’re thinking about you and to encourage you? That is 1 John.

For generations, 1 John has served as a source of comfort and encouragement for believers all over the world. And you too will find  your faith built and encouraged as you read and study 1 John.

Free Discussion Guide

Download the Love One Another discussion guide here for free.

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A major part of our big sermon series at Destiny is our Community Groups. Each week, Community Groups meet to grow deeper. In Community Groups, you'll study each sermon in depth with friends who can help you get the most out of John's Gospel. The Bible is so exciting when you live out what it teaches in the context of loving friendships.