The Book Of Acts
The Book Of Acts
If the book of Acts has one message it is this: JESUS IS ALIVE!
The book of Acts is totally unique in all of the Bible. It is the only book dedicated to telling the story of how Jesus' Church began. There are 4 books in the Bible that tell the story of what Jesus did and taught. We call those books the Gospels. Acts is the story of what Jesus continues to do and teach through His Church.
The author of the book of Acts is a man named Luke. Luke is also the author of the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel of Luke is the prequel. The book of Acts is the sequel. Luke was a physician who set out on a journey to historically document the facts concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and also how Jesus continues to live through His Church by His Spirit.
Jesus told His disciples what would happen when they received the Holy Spirit.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
The book of Acts tells us the story of how Jesus continues to live and work through His Spirit empowered Church today!

Acts Sermon media

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