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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.


Message Podcast

Overcoming Fear

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In this sermon by Pastor Ted, we learn the difference between fear and faith. Both words are an expectation of the future - one has a positive outlook of the future and the other has a negative one. We need the Lord to help us overcome fears in our lives. God has made a path of faith that will guide us through weakness and sin so that we won't be turned astray. Through Him we can overcome! All it takes is a little faith.

Jesus Has Overcome The World

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John 16:16-33
In this passage, we see Jesus teaching about hardship, sorrow, tribulation and pain. Why does Jesus share all this “bad news” with His disciples? Jesus said He was telling them these things so that they wouldn’t fall away.

When we experience the difficulties of life, it’s not because Jesus doesn’t know about them or that He is indifferent towards us or our pain. In fact, as you read this whole passage, the love that Jesus has for His disciples is overwhelming! Somehow in God’s sovereign plan, the pain we experience in this world is necessary for the fulfillment of our eternal joy. And the eternal joy we experience will be a joy that no one can take away from us.

Jesus Is Glorified By The Spirit

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John 15:18-16:15
This week we’ll be celebrating a great American holiday: Thanksgiving. And what’s not to love? Family, food, football ... what could be better? There’s nothing wrong with eating turkey, or watching the Cowboys, but As Christians, we should be the most grateful of all!

Don’t let this day go by without spending some time offering genuine thanks to God. Reflect on the Gospel and the goodness of God. May your heart, and not just your stomach, be full this Thanksgiving!

Jesus Is The True Vine

Pastor Matt Bell

John 15:1-17
“Abiding in Christ” is a popular phrase in Christianity. But have you ever stopped to think about what it actually means? Practically, what does this look like in our day to day lives? How do we abide in Christ?

Abiding in Christ is not simply a list of spiritual duties or disciplines. Just as the branch is completely dependent upon the life and nourishment that comes from the vine, we too are totally dependent upon Christ for our life. Today, we cling to Jesus with all the strength that we have, knowing that separated from Him, we will only wither and die.

Jesus Gives Us His Peace

Pastor Matt Bell

How do you define love? This word is thrown around a lot, but when we look closely, what does it really mean? In our culture, it can mean anything from “I love this food” to the true love we have for our spouse. There are many ways to define love.

It’s important how we define our love towards God. Jesus says that true love for Him manifests itself in willful obedience to His Word. As our love for Jesus grows, our desire to obey Him should grow as well. To those who obey God, we are promised true and lasting peace!

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth & The Life

Pastor Matt Bell

What are some things that might cause your heart to be troubled? Jesus and His disciples experienced some difficult times. His assurance to them was this, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled.” One day, Jesus is going to return for us and we will see Him face to face. He is the visible, tangible image of the invisible God. We can be confident that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We can have confidence in Him.

Jesus' New Commandment

Pastor Matt Bell

Sometimes love is difficult. Helping when it’s not convenient, giving when it hurts, devoting energy to others' welfare rather than our own, and absorbing hurts from others without complaining or fighting back. This kind of loving is hard to do.

In this message, we’re going to see Jesus talk about a new commandment. This new commandment has to do with love. Jesus says that it’s our love for each other that will prove to the world that we are Christians. Today, as Christians, we should put Christ’s sacrificial love on display.

Jesus Washes Dirty Feet

Pastor Matt Bell

John 13:1-17

Chapters 13-17 of John's Gospel take place on the last night of Jesus' night. This is the night he will be betrayed by one of his own, Judas. Jesus begins the night by sharing a meal with his closest friends, his disciples. At this meal, Jesus does the unthinkable. He showcases his love by lowering himself to the position of a slave and washing their dirty feet. Then he tells them to go and do likewise.

God uses our hands to wash the dirty feet of other people.

Jesus Has Arrived

Pastor Matt Bell

John 12:12-50

As Jesus makes his entry into Jerusalem, the crowds go wild. They shout in triumphant victory, proclaiming that Jesus is the King of Israel. However, when they realize that Jesus hasn't come to set them from from Rome, their shouts of praise turn to shouts of condemnation. Soon the same crowd will be shouting "Crucify him!"

Jesus never lived to please the crowds. He lived every day to the glory of God the Father. We too should follow the example of Jesus, living our lives not for our own reputation or name, but for the glory of God alone.

Jesus Is Anointed

Guest User

John 11:45-12:11
What is your true object of worship? Is it money, status or hobbies? Without realizing it, these things can become objects of our affection. When these temporary pursuits begin to consume us, we fail to remember that Jesus is the one who deserves our whole-hearted worship.

In this message, we’re going to see four responses to the miracle Jesus performed of raising Lazarus from the dead. For some the response is of heartfelt worship and for others it is dismissive. What will yours be? As children of God, our response should be a sweet aroma to the anointed one, King Jesus.

Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life

Guest User

John 11:1-54
As we look at the events of our world today, it’s tempting to become pessimistic about the future. On the surface, things don’t seem to be going all that well. Sometimes it seems all we hear is bad news. If we’re not careful, we can find ourselves questioning God and His plan.

In John’s Gospel today, we’re going to see a family in the midst of great loss and pain question the plan of God. Yet in the end, we see that Jesus brings life to even the most dire of circumstances. Even when we experience hardship and loss, God is working it all for our good and His glory.

Jesus Is God

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John 10:22-42
In this message, we’re going to see things continue to heat up between Jesus and the Pharisees. The Pharisees are going to demand for Jesus to give them an answer on His identity. They want to know, “Is Jesus the Messiah?”

Maybe you have the same question, today. You’re wondering who is this Jesus? In this passage, you can get your answer from Jesus’ own lips. Jesus is God.

Jesus Is The Good Shepherd

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John 10:1-21
In this message, we're going to see that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He's not going to leave us or forsake us. He takes care of His sheep and watches over them. When we need healing or provision, we can call out to Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

Jesus Opens Blind Eyes

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John 9:1-41
Have you ever been confused about why something bad happened in your life? Maybe you felt like it was God punishing you for sin. I know I have felt that way before. But that’s not what the Bible teaches.

In this passage, Jesus is going to heal a man who was born blind. Then He’s going to say that the man was born blind so that God’s glory could be shown through his healing. We have to realize that God is always working in our lives, through the good, the bad and even the ugly. Faith is saying “God, I’m trusting in you no matter what!”

Jesus Sets You Free

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John 8:31-59
Freedom ... It’s a precious thing. Our great nation was built upon this idea that every person has the God given right to freedom. Yet Jesus teaches that we can live in a free country and still be in bondage. Jesus says that it is ultimately sin and lies that keep us bound and in bondage.

In this message, we’re going to see that Jesus sets us free! Even though sin and Satan would try to keep us bound through lies, they are no match for the resurrection power of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus Is The Light Of The World

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John 8:12-30
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and stumbled around in the dark? Maybe you tripped over something someone didn’t put away. We’ve all had an experience similar to this where we trip, harm or injure ourselves on something we didn’t see. The Bible tells us that because of sin, we’re all walking around in spiritual darkness, unable to avoid things that cause us harm.

In this message, we’re going to see that Jesus is the light of the world! Jesus illuminates our spiritual lives so that we can clearly see where we walk and stand.

Jesus Forgives

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John 8:1-11
Have you ever been caught red handed, doing something you know you should not be doing? Or maybe you've been caught in a lie you told? Whatever the case, it's hard to top the woman we find in John 8. This lady was caught in the very act of adultery! If the shame alone wasn't bad enough, in Jesus' day, adultery was a capital crime. The penalty was death!

This week we’re resuming our sermon series in John’s Gospel with this story of sex, sin, shame, condemnation, grace and forgiveness. We’re going to see that Jesus forgives.

Make Disciples

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God is doing His work in us through His Spirit. We can't do it on our own! We are constantly being transformed into the image of God. He gives us the ability to keep His Word. He makes us into His disciples, becoming more like Christ each day.

Preach The Gospel

Guest User

Jesus commands us to preach the Gospel and make disciples. This is what we believe Destiny Church is called to do. This is the assignment that Jesus has given us. This is the assignment for which he has empowered us (Acts 1:8). And this is the assignment that we, in God's grace, seek to accomplish everyday of our lives.

Darkness Doesn't Exist

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Our guest speaker this week is one of our missions ambassadors, Philip Tolman! Philip has been serving in missions since 1980. He and his wife Lucy are currently working in Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. They have evangelized and started churches where no evangelical church had previously been. They have planted a total of 8 churches, including a Bible school.