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Filtering by Category: 2019_2
God Has A Plan
Mauricio Castillo
Romans 8 Series - More Than Conquerors (Week 8)
Mauricio Castillo
Romans 8 Series - God Is For Us (Week 7)
Mauricio Castillo
Romans 8 Series - All Things (Week 6)
Mauricio Castillo
Romans 8 Series - Future Glory (Week 5)
Mauricio Castillo
Romans 8 Series - Killing Sin (Week 4)
Mauricio Castillo
Key Passages: Romans 8:12-17
Sin and salvation live and function as polar opposites in our lives. John 10:10 lays out Satan's goal, his singular purpose to steal, kill and destroy. He's not content with simply giving us a bad day. He wants to end us but Jesus has come to offer life in the face of death. As we continue to look through Romans 8, Paul continues to highlight the contrast between those that live by the Spirit and those living according to the flesh.
Our attitude towards sin has become too casual.
Paul says in verse 13, "if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." We've been given two options in regards to the effects of sin in our lives. These options exists as polar opposites to each other, extreme ends on the spectrum of our lives. The problem arises when we create a middle option where our sin isn't that bad. The reason these options seem extreme is because we are morally compromised beings that have compromised with sin.
I’m not going to die if I sin… The same deception that Adam and Eve fell for in Genesis 3 is the same deception we fall for today in our relationship to sin. Just because death didn't happen immediately or tomorrow, we become comfortable. Immediate death as a result of sin is not due to God's softening view on sin. We are spared because of His grace and mercy for us.
We must put sin to death. Galatians 5:24 "...they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts". Indwelling sin will always be a reality while we live. We are called to daily mortify sin. Every single day is a fight with sin. If you're not fighting, you are losing.
"Be killing sin or it will be killing you" - John Owen
It's not hurting anyone… One great deception we believe about sin is the lie that it can't hurt others if it only has a personal effect. Sin, like other living things, will grow the more we feed it. So while that personal sin that only impacts your life may not be felt by those around you, the repercussions will show the more that sin grows and takes root.