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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.

The Eternal Word (John Part 2)

FBG Podcast

The Eternal Word (John Part 2)

Mike Bell

John 1:1-5

Jesus wasn’t just a man who walked the earth, submitted to a divine God. Jesus was and is God. In fact, John makes it clear to us that Jesus always was—that He existed even before the world came into existence. Jesus is the eternal God—the Word Who became flesh and dwelt among us.

Jesus was involved in Creation. It’s important that we believe this. This shows us that everything He created was intentional and with a purpose. Nothing was an accident or mistake. This includes humanity—male and female. God has a very specific order to gender, marriage and the sanctity of life.

Jesus is not only the Creator of everything, He is also the savior of all humanity. He is the only One Who has the power to save us from our sin and wickedness. Through Jesus, we now have the light within us to walk in the midst of the darkness of this world, and still see clearly as we look to His Word.