FBG Podcast
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His Reign by His Word (Christ is King Part 5)
Mike Bell
His Reign in Your Family (Christ is King Part 4)
Mike Bell
His Reign in Your Life (Christ is King Part 3)
Mike Bell
A New Foundation (Christ is King Part 2)
Mike Bell
The Kingdom of God (Christ Is King Part 1)
Mike Bell
If we are going to be a church that declares “CHRIST IS KING”, then we, as a church, must be able to define that declaration.
1. Where are we to declare it?
2. What is the essence of this declaration?
3. What is the outcome of this declaration?
We examine these questions in this sermon.
Fellowship With Jesus
Mike Bell
Christ's Standard for Family (Boast in the Truth Part 4)
Mike Bell
Christ's Standard for Marriage (Boast in the Truth Part 3)
Mike Bell
Christ's Standard for Sexuality (Boast in the Truth Part 2)
Mike Bell
What is Christ’s standard for sexual expression?
What is Christ’s standard for sexual identity?
In order to answer these questions, followers of Jesus must hold fast to what God’s Word says. The Word of God is the objective standard by which we know the answers.
Christ Sets the Standard (Boast in the Truth Part 1)
Mike Bell
Boast In The Truth
I Corinthians 1:31 says, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
Who is the Lord? Jesus is Lord! Jesus calls Himself “the way, and THE TRUTH, and the life” (Mark 14:6). While our nation boasts in its own immorality and wickedness during the month of June, we as the church of Christ are going to boast in the truth—Jesus Christ, His Word, His Law, and the truth of the Gospel.
Good And Evil: By What Standard?
Can what is good and what is evil be known? Are these things objective? If they are objective, who determines this? By whose standard can we know good and evil?
We examine these questions in this sermon.