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Love Is of God (Letters of John Part 13)
Mike Bell
Main Text
I John 4:7-12
Love Is Of God—God Himself is the Origin of Love
1. Loving others shows that we’re born of God
This means we have a new nature—God’s nature. We’re not merely trying to mimic God’s nature. This is who we now are! Since God’s nature manifests love, we as His children should be reflecting the love of God.
2. Loving others shows that we know God
We Look to Jesus (God in the Flesh) for the True Definition of Love
We see true love in the life and death of Jesus.
1. Compassion—God sent Jesus because he desired to save us.
2. Self-Sacrifice—God sent Jesus to die for us.
Romans 5:8 - “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
God’s Love—What It Does for the Believer:
1. God’s love inspires us to love others.
2. The love we show to others brings God’s love to perfection through us—we who were once lost sinners, can now perfectly reflecting God’s love to the world.
It's Not About You In 2022
Mike Bell
Main Text
Hebrews 11-12
Patriarchs of the Faith
We look at Abraham, Moses and Daniel, and examine 2 traits they all had:
1. Massive Faith
2. The Fear of the Lord
These men all served the Lord and were faithful; however, they didn’t see the fulfilled promise of the messiah in their lifetime. One thing this shows us is that these stories in the Bible are not really about these men. Everything in the Word points to Jesus Christ.
It’s Not About You In 2022!
Just like the Bible is all about Jesus, our lives (once we’re saved) are no longer our own, but the Lord’s! Are we living for the Lord or for ourselves? There is no in between.