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8635 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230


CHRIST IS KING CHURCH in San Antonio Texas exists to advance the Kingdom of Christ in every area of thought and life.

We are a family on a mission to tell everyone we can about the good news of Jesus. Come and enjoy the warmth of genuine relationships and be inspired as we learn from the Bible.

CHRIST IS KING is a nondenominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural church where everyone is welcome to experience the love of God and freedom we have in Jesus.

Family Camp 2025

Join us for an unforgettable retreat at the Ezra Institute Family Camp!

Experience the tranquil surroundings of H. E. Butt Foundation Camp in Leakey, TX, from August 14-16, 2025. Whether you’re coming as a family, a couple, or on your own, this retreat offers a special chance to explore biblical wisdom and cultural apologetics. Connect with others, build lasting relationships, and make cherished memories in a family friendly and enriching atmosphere. Childcare will be available during scheduled lectures to assist parents with young children. REGISTER HERE


Located in the beautiful Texas hill country on the Frio River, this camp provides a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to getaway, unplug, enjoy God’s beautiful creation, and be active together and with your church family! Activities include: hiking trails, swimming, basketball, volleyball, corn hole, gaga ball, canoeing, and a playground. For more information on the H. E. Butt Foundation Camp

The Ezra Institute has given the Christ Is King Church family an amazing deal. The cost is $300 / family. Cabins sleep anywhere from 4 - 10 people. If you are a couple without children, or a single, you have the option to book a cabin with some friends at $300 / cabin. To get this amazing price, when you checkout enter code “CHRISTISKING”. This price is limited to the first twenty families so be sure to register ASAP!

Dr. Joe Boot and Pastor Michael Thiessen will be the speakers for the camp. Each session will bless, encourage, and equip you to lead your family in righteous living and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

If you have any questions about the Family Camp please reach out to Pastor Mark at 210-349-2295 or