All team destiny volunteers, this conference is specifically for you! Through the teaching of Pastor Philip Thompson, we'll be focused specifically on equipping you volunteers to be the best volunteers you can be here at Destiny. Pastor Philip has earned a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership, and he’s got a ministerial passion to organize ministry for maximum impact. His organizational theories for small and mid-size community churches have proven themselves in a number of settings. We also have times of ministry planned during the conference as well. We strongly encourage all current volunteers to attend this FREE conference, and invite any of you who have a desire to serve here at Destiny, and would just like to be a part of what God is doing. Please RSVP here or by calling our office at 210-349-2295. Childcare is available with your RSVP. We look forward to seeing you all there!
March 23
7 PM - Friday Night Service
March 24
9 AM to 2 PM - Saturday Workshops (Lunch Provided)